Editorial / Our Readers Write Submissions
The Hagerstown Almanack Wants To Hear From You!
The Almanack welcomes all comments and offers its readers a direct line of communication.We are ‘open’ 24 hours a day and always there for you to comment on or to suggest editorial content, share proven hints and tips (that will be included in the departments of future editions of The Almanack), or submit your contribution to our popular Our Readers Write column. Most readers share original poetry but your contribution can be anything at all, be it a joke, personal anecdote or story, or a just thought or saying that has inspired you.
If your contribution, comments on any topic, useful hint, tip, or Our Readers Write submission is published, it is The Almanack's policy to not only give full credit to you for yor contribution but to slso send along 6 complimentary hard copies of that issue of Hagerstowun Town and Country Almanackto share with family and friends. Send your suggestions or questions to The Almanack Editor: cwfisherjr@comcast.net. We please ask that you title your inquiry appropriately in the subject line so it can be considered for appropriate placement in the next edition (i.e. EDITORIAL COMMENT, 'TOPIC OF INTEREST', FARM & GARDEN / HOMEMAKER / HOMEONWNER HINTS, etc. or OUR READERS WRITE SUBMISSION).