Hagerstown Almanack Newsletter



The Hagerstown Town and Country Almanack


               “Late February days; and now, at last, might you have thought
                that winter’s woe was past; so fair the sky was and so soft the air."

                                                                                            William Morris 1834–1896)

MID-ATLANTIC WEATHER WATCH: Turning milder with occasional showers, perhaps starting as freezing rain, then turning dry, blustery and more seasonable (1,2,3,4,5); turning milder with a rain/snow mix then turning blustery with flurries; light snow accumulation far west (6,7,8,9,10); another round of rain, changing to snow then colder, but turning dry (11,12,13,14,15); dry, then warmest weather of the month followed by rain (16,17,18,19,20); more rain, then turning more seasonable (21,22,23,24,25); seasonable and dry (28,27,28).

SEVERE WEATHER WATCH: The Hagerstown Town and Country Almanack sees no severe weather activity in the month of February.

FULL MOON: February’s FULL MOON will occur on February 12th in 2025. It was called SNOW MOON, where the snow was deepest, while many other tribes called it WOLF MOON because of all of the howling heard during the month, which just happens to be the middle of their breeding season! And because there is such an extreme scarcity of game to hunt everywhere during this month, it was also aptly referred to as HUNGER MOON.

SPECIAL NOTES: The famousPunxsutawney Phil” makes his annual and much-anticipated appearance on Sunday, February 2nd when he issues his ‘prediction’ of the coming of Spring! If it is a sunny day and this little marmot monax sees his shadow, he will retreat post haste underground, to remain there for another 6 weeks of Winter! If it is cloudy and he doesn’t get scared by his own shadow, Spring will come early in 2025. The Christian Festival of Lights, or Candlemas, is celebrated on the 2nd as well.  As part of a long tradition, many churches would display many more candles on this day during their daily services. Not only did it make the service a special one, but it was also believed that the additional light would provide protection from illness and plague in the coming year.

HOLIDAYS: Valentine’s Day, February 14th, falls on Friday in 2025. Show that special someone just how special they are and how much you appreciate them. The birthdays of Presidents Abraham Lincoln (Wednesday, February 12th) and George Washington (Sunday, the 22nd) are collectively celebrated on President’s Day, which falls on Monday, February 17th, providing us with an extended holiday weekend. Enjoy!

THE GARDEN: It's time to turn the compost pile (if it’s not too frozen!). Plants that may have been pushed out of the ground by frost heave should be pressed firmly back into place. Deciduous shrubs and trees are still dormant enough to transplant this month. Once the buds have begun to swell, it will be too late. Continue feeding our feathered friends. You will want them to stick around so they will provide natural insect control when the weather warms again.

THE FARM: Best for planting root crops (23,24); Best for weeding and stirring the soil (6,7); Best for planting bove-ground crops (1, 8,9,10) Best for harvesting all crops (21,22); Best days to set hens and incubators (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21); slaughter and butcher meat (1,2,3,4,27,28); transplant (1,2,3,4,27,28); harvest and store grains (20,21,22,23,24,25,26); wean animals (1,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28).

“Never seek happiness at the expense of another person.”

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