PennState Extension

cting as a modern educational organization, dedicated to delivering science-based agricultural, dairy, and livestock information to farmers and non-farmers alike, businesses, and communities.  PennState Extension provides access to face-to-face and online education to their customers—when they want it, where they want it, and how they want it—to help them address problems and take advantage of opportunities for improvement and innovation. Partnering with and funded by federal, state, and county governments, they  have a long tradition of bringing unbiased support and education to the citizens of Pennsylvania. They make a difference locally through focused engagement, and more widely to customers connecting in the digital landscape. Extension program teams consist of a collection of educators, associates, and faculty that come together from various units when their expertise is needed. Since program team members live and work alongside you, they have a vested interest in ensuring our products and services better their communities. Their program teams also have unique partnerships with county and state governments, and facilitate collaboration with industry, nongovernment organizations, and others.

The Hagerstown Town and Country Almanack has recently partnered with PennState Extension of Franklin County, Pennsylvania, who has agreed to share its vast wealth of science-based agricultural and dairy knowledge and guidance, providing relevant content in the form of articles for its annual hardcopy publication, content pages and links to additional information on its website (, video interviews posted on The Hagerstown Town and Country Almanack Channel on YouTube, and posts going out over its vast social media landscape.

The Almanack is working directly with Karly Regan, Vegetables and Small Fruits Educator and Cassie Yost, Dairy Educator.  Karly Regan is a commercial horticulture educator in Franklin County covering vegetables and small fruit with a focus on integrated pest management, soil health. and horticultural crop production.  Karly be reached at the Franklin County Office at 717-263-9226 or by email at  Cassie Yost joined The Extension in 2016. Her expertise is in calf and heifer management. She also works with the Dairy Business Team conducting on-farm financial analyses for dairy farms. Cassie can be reached at the Franklin County Office or by email at

PennState Extension Programs
Franklin County 4-H Program 
Master Gardener Program 

PennState Extension Articles
Vegetables and Small Fruits

Integrate Pest Management

Dairy, Heifer & Calf Management
Marveling Over Milk!
The Dangers of Dairy Farming

PennState Extension Podcasts on Hagerstown Almanack YouTube Channel
Best dairy and aricultural practices to follow through the coming winter.

Contact Information:

Penn State Extension (Franklin County Office)  
181 Franklin Farm Lane
Chambersburg, Pennsylvania 17202
Franklin County Office Direcctory
Penn State Extension (Main Office) 
The Pennsylvania State University

323 Agricultural Administration Building
University Park, PA 16802